Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Using foam core to get out of cleaning the house

Hey guys,

I have been insanely busy of the last few months so updates have been really slow to make it up. Sorry but life happens. Fear not, I have been busy with the hobby and have a few book reviews coming up. Stay tuned for those.

Anyway the title of this post is a little strange even for me. Being a guy I tend to go out of my way to avoid housework. Well when Hobby Lobby decided to put foam core on sale for 30% off I figured I would get a little. Ok not a little, a lot. 20 2'x3' sheets and 10 4'x3' sheets. When you get to load the hump you load the hump. With this much obtainium to work with all kind of projects pop into your head. This time it was this one.

We all want one even if you don't play marines. The trusty bolter is as iconic as '80s era shoulder-pads. Why GW hasn't release a life sized model still defies logic so if you want one you have to build it yourself. So that is exactly what I did. My original plan was to build it as a paper model but that changed to foam core thanks to the sale. A couple of hours of CAD work and the plans were set and the cutting began. I still need to attach the barrel but that will wait until I coat the whole thing in paper mache to smooth out the seams. 

On to the pictures.

Almost forgot, the dimensions, 24" long with barrel attached. 4 inches wide and 12 inches tall. I decided to glue in the magazine as opposed to making it removable. I was being lazy and didn't want to model the shells. There is still allot of detail work to add. I am thinking on doing a brass devotional plate and inscription  on one side and adding texture to the grip.

That should be enough for now. I have to get back at it. A Thunder Hammer / Crozius Arcanum have been calling my name.

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